The UQLA would particularly like to thank the following organisations for their support.

Solicitors - MinterEllison

MinterEllison (Gary Goldman) was instrumental in assisting the UQLA in the lengthy process of converting from an unincorporated association to a charitable corporation limited by guarantee. 

Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students – Bar Association of Queensland

The Bar Association of Queensland generously provides scholarship funds to support a financially disadvantaged student at the Law School. 

Further scholarships are supported by the generosity of a number of alumni who teach at the Law School, but waive their fees to allow Law School funds to be devoted to the scholarship and student emergency fund.

Textbook Scheme – Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis

Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis are strong supporters of the UQLA textbook programme. Through a combination of generous discounts and donated textbooks, these publishers have made it feasible for the UQLA to support disadvantaged students by providing the Law Library with multiple copies of key textbooks.

Student Programmes -  Queensland Parliament, Supreme and District Courts of Queensland, Supreme Court Library of Queensland, Director of Public Prosecutions, Legal Aid, College of Law,  Queensland Barristers and Solicitors

The Orientation Week, Statute Law, Criminal Trial and Barristers Work Experience Programmes are only possible because of the generous and co-ordinated support of the Queensland Parliament, the Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Legal Aid, the Supreme Court Library of Queensland, the College of Law and the numerous Queensland barristers and solicitors who assist with these programmes.